2 days
Target group
Leaders, collauges

A The purpose of Mindfulness or ‘conscious presence’ is not to re-interpret the world and to change our minds but to change our relationship to our thoughts and emotions during our everyday practice.

Using it in workplace or in private doesn’t prevent the emergence of conflicts or the emergence of difficult situations. When faced with difficult situations, we will be able to recognize and respond properly to them. We are learning to use internal resources available to help dealing with stressful situations more easily and kindly.



The topics of the program:

  • The nature of the problem
  • Back to the present
  • Emotional self-regulation
  • Psychic Suffer vs. Physical pain
  • Get rid of the addiction of thinking
  • Tool of vigilant attention
  • Using the senses
  • The Value of Self – A Self-created Self-Image
  • Pressure of lack of sense


As a result of the program, participants:

  • They learn the benefits of conscious presence
  • They experience the practice of conscious presence:Breathing meditation,
    Live together with problems and thoughts, Conscious actions, Breath-taking break
  • They are inspired to translate the conscious presence into everyday life
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