Orsolya Lőrincz

Orsolya Lőrincz

Head of Consulting Division

What do you believe in?

I believe that what is is what is and all change starts with understanding and accepting that. And then it takes many more passionate steps. OD for me is the art of balancing. To go close but not too much in; accepting while mobilizing; representing the business and the human aspects at the same time, making the mind meet the heart, balancing the past – present – future aspects. Always adding to the wholeness what is missing.

Professional experiences

  • Managing partner – GROW Group, since 2015
  • Business Unit Manager, Senior Consultant, Trainer at GROW Group since 2010
  • Trainer, Consultant at GROW Group, since 2001
  • Junior Consultant, Marketing Associate (TMI Hungary, 1999)


Economist, Organisational Development, Supervisor, PROSCI Change manager

Project(s) I am proud of:

  • To have never done our Organisational Development Consultant Training the same way twice, because we do what we stand for and we are constantly evolving and improving.

Fields of training and consulting

  • Organisational Culture Development (Culture Diagnostics and Development)
  • Change Management, supporting Organisational Transformation
  • Leadership Development
  • Operational Development of Teams

in our services?

Contact us and our colleagues will help you find the most effective GROW solution for you.

    © 2018 copyright GROW Group | A Grow Szervezetfejlesztési Tanácsadó Zrt. engedélyezett felnőttképzési intézmény, nyilvántartásba vételi száma: B/2020/003274; engedélyszáma: E/2024/000035