1 or 2 days
Target group
Leaders, collagues

It is a very intensive and practical training program that deals with the performances’ both important success-factors: what we say and how we say..

The purpose of the training is to provide our participants with a comprehensive knowledge and experience that
allows them to present easy, confidential and in a preparedness way any situation.


Prezentációs technikák

The topics of the program:

  • Presentation techniques skill development is one of our most experienced trainings, as this is a skill that can only be developed by practice.
  • Accordingly, we have developed a 2-day learning curve, where after acquiring knowledge, we put emphasis on continuous practice to really incorporate, test and process newly acquired knowledge.


As a result of the program, participants:

  • learn about their own performing style
  • gain self-confidence and experience to keep presentations
  • are more convincing, enjoyable and logical
  • learn and use their whole toolkit of conscious
  • recognize and satisfy the curiosity of their audience
  • can control their own stress and stressful situations
© 2018 copyright GROW Group | A Grow Szervezetfejlesztési Tanácsadó Zrt. engedélyezett felnőttképzési intézmény, nyilvántartásba vételi száma: B/2020/003274; engedélyszáma: E/2024/000035