2 days
Target group
Leaders, collauges

The themes and contents of training are always tailored to the challenges of leadership. We focus on organizational and cultural aspects of innovation management. 

In addition of describe and try tools, we focus on critical success factors of organizational introduction, transfer and application in each process step (1. Idea Generation, 2. Idea Analysis, Evaluation and Selection, 3. Implementation).

Innováció menedzsment

The topics of the program:

  • Innovation management process
  • General leadership in innovation management
  • Promote idea generation as a leader
  • Collection and analysis of information
  • Enterprise innovation programs
  • Group idea-collecting methods
  • Evaluating innovative ideas
  • Individual assessment methods
  • Portfolio-based, comparative assessment methods
  • Supporting implementation of innovations (from idea to solution and from solution to outcome)
  • Resource assurance and monitoring


As a result of the program, participants:

  • Acquire a complete toolkit that supports them both in the individual and organizational management of innovations
  • Acquire all the knowledge they need to support them in strengthening the culture of innovation as leaders
  • The wide range of tools gives managers the best practice in their own area / organization to set up the current situation, launch and implement concrete initiatives.
© 2018 copyright GROW Group | A Grow Szervezetfejlesztési Tanácsadó Zrt. engedélyezett felnőttképzési intézmény, nyilvántartásba vételi száma: B/2020/003274; engedélyszáma: E/2024/000035