How was EX focus born?
Our clients had multiple problems (strong fluctuation, constant recruitment strain, low number of talents, low level of motivation) and that lead us to inquire professionally about employee experience (EX). Usually these client issues showed up with the collective economical and technologiccal development as it transfrmed the job market forever.
These changes inspired us to seek new answers – because it is less and less often that improved recruitment, inner HR process development or a good employer branding campaign is enough.
Competition for talents and workforce is more powerful than before, moreover employer value propositions are getting more and more transparent. It is getting easier to know how much is paid for the specific skill and experience elsewhere.
EX aproach involves our previously tested aspects and tools on other areas – tools that we have exceptional results and experiences. Industries have spent a huge amounts of money on customer experience for a long time – we adapt this approach to EX
- Employee relationship is seen as a whole – it is not focused on single events: it is not talking about recruitment strategy or rewards, but rather integrates the whole journey of the employer from the very beginnings (where the employer hears about us first) and ends at examining how do he/she leaves us, and how is the relationship with us after the separation.
- This road is not analysed by occupational perspectives, current positions or categories but it is focused on the key points where we might interact with the potential, current, or former employees. The relationship is seen not from our but from their point of view.
- This is made by using profiles as well, but not on employer values anymore, but through the needs of employees features and needs. It does not think about the education as what would we offer to our identified a-b-c-d groups, but groups are made by the needs and expectations of the empoyees. Now not the trainers are grouped but the collegues with similar needs.
We follow our clients from measuring the groups of employees and their percieved experiences. This opens up the possibility to do targeted interventions in terms of developing employee experience.
It can also include developing systems, processes, organizational culture, cooperation and leadership culture where we support our partners with our consultancy.