1 or 2 days
Target group

Making decisions, especially fitting into strategies is a highly important leadership competence. This will make leader a credible reference point in long term among collegues.

The purpose of the program is to deliver conceptual bases and selected practical tools supporting participants in strategic approach of their leadership skills.


Problémamegoldás és döntéshozatal

The topics of the program:

  • Strategic and operational leadership: levels of leadership and manager tasks
  • Types of strategies: A Strategic Approach to planning
  • Strategic planning: Environmental Analysis and Implementation Issues
  • Strategic decisions: implementation
  • Individual decision-making processes: interaction between intuition and rationality/li>
  • Personal decision-making style: comfortable balance
  • Decision-making: a structured decision-making model


As a result of the program, participants:

  • learn the basics of strategic thinking from strategic thinking to planning
  • are able to analyze environmental and organizational factors from a strategic point of view to review implementation risks
  • learn the key skills of strategic thinking, their everyday “tasks”
  • learn the general background of individual decision-making processes
  • reaffirm their decision-making awareness and effectiveness
© 2018 copyright GROW Group | A Grow Szervezetfejlesztési Tanácsadó Zrt. engedélyezett felnőttképzési intézmény, nyilvántartásba vételi száma: B/2020/003274; engedélyszáma: E/2024/000035