1 or 2 days
Target group
Leaders, collauges

Our experience that meetings and workshops leadership doesn’t begin and end in the actual meeting. In order to meetings reach the adequate level of efficiency, careful preparation and follow-up are required.

During the training, participants can learn the basics that can truly make an appointment successful and have the opportunity to exercise conscious management of different group dynamics.


Értekezletek, meetingek, workshopok vezetése

The topics of the program:

  • Define objectives
  • General guidelines for effective meeting
  • Preparation – technical and content
  • Structure, process and agenda definition
  • Leading the meeting
  • Difficult situations: managing disruptive behavior in a group
  • After the meeting: follow-up
  • Share tips and experiences for an effective and enjoyable meeting


As a result of the program, participants:

  • will be aware of building an effective meeting
  • will be more consciously prepared for each meeting and then follow up what they have said
  • will be able to manage a meeting to handle group processes
  • can help them make decision by facilitating them
  • get acquainted techniques to impact collegues
© 2018 copyright GROW Group | A Grow Szervezetfejlesztési Tanácsadó Zrt. engedélyezett felnőttképzési intézmény, nyilvántartásba vételi száma: B/2020/003274; engedélyszáma: E/2024/000035