1 or 2 days
Target group
In addition to wide range of classical leadership theories and styles, human is becoming increasingly important as the greatest value and human-centered management approach has come into view.
With our leadership competence development program, we support leaders facing challenges of 21st century to increase their awareness, responsibility and to show their commitment to development of their staff, using coaching approach and toolkit to inspire them.
The topics of the program:
- The concept of coaching, the basics of coaching
- Situational Leadership, TA model
- GROW model
- The psychological contract
- Asking techniques
- Active listening
- Objective and action planning
- CCoaching in problem solving, performance improvement and support, and knowledge transfer
As a result of the program, participants:
- understand the concept of leadership coaching and the background and basics of coaching approach
- acquire practice using compassionate attention
- learn the concept of psychological contract and gain experience in “contracting”
- will be able to handle the problems of their collegues in a complex way, according to development aspects