3 days
Target group
Leaders, collauges

We believe that presentation should be built from outside and the inside. To achieve desired effect, self-knowledge, psychological knowledge, rhetorical tricks, sound technical skills and many exercises are essential.

Our special Presentation technique training was built:
Day 1 – Presentation technique – What presentation skills needed?
Day 2 – Making presentation – What will help the ppt?
Day 3 – Exercise – What makes a performance effective?


Prezentációs technikák

The topics of the program:

  • Criteria for effective presentation
  • General presence: space use, posture, volume, eye contact
  • Maintaining relationships and attention
  • Presentation structure, logical structure
  • Mastering MS PowerPoint based techniques (visualization, design) with two main objectives: emphasizing (understanding support) and efficiency enhancing (less expense)
  • The psychological and rhetorical tricks of effect
  • Situational exercises: Questions for involving and addressing


As a result of the program, participants:

  • deepen the basic presentation skills (presentation, lecture technique)
  • learn to use psychological weapons of impactful communication
  • will be able to incorporate rhetorical techniques consciously into their performances
  • learn to construct the message
  • learn useful, time-saving and visual enhancement PPT tricks
  • learn how to deliver their presentations to target audience in a memorable way
© 2018 copyright GROW Group | A Grow Education Kft. engedélyezett felnőttképzési intézmény, nyilvántartásba vételi száma: E/2023/00003 | B/2020/000102